Vaccine Research Library » DPT

DPT at a glance:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: [1]

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis are serious diseases caused by bacteria.Diphtheria and pertussis are spread from person to person. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds.

DIPHTHERIA causes a thick covering in the back of the throat.

  • It can lead to breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure, and even death.

TETANUS (Lockjaw) causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body.

  • It can lead to “locking” of the jaw so the victim cannot open his mouth or swallow. Tetanus leads to death in up to 2 out of 10 cases.

PERTUSSIS (Whooping Cough) causes coughing spells so bad that it is hard for infants to eat, drink, or breathe. These spells can last for weeks.

  • It can lead to pneumonia, seizures (jerking and staring spells), brain damage, and death.

The CDC recommends that children should get five doses of the Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine.

Why should I be concerned?

  • The DPT vaccine has a long list of potential side effects, including allergies, asthma, autism, seizures, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), shaken baby syndrome (SBS), brain injury, and death.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes several side effects of the DTP vaccine, including: seizure, severe allergic reaction, and permanent brain damage. [1]

1. CDC: Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)

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